Natural Homemade Recipes to Whiten Your Skin Tone
If you are looking for a natural way to lighten and whiten your skin tone, we have the perfect recipes for you to do at home!
Check out our DIY Video for another recipe!
Oil Mask:
½ teacup of lemon juice.
¼ teacup castor oil.
½ teacup sweet almond oil.
½ teacup of glycerin oil.
Apply it on dark areas daily for 3 weeks, and leave for 20 minutes.
Lemon and Milk:
¼ cup lemon juice.
2 table spoons of powdered milk.
The mixture will create a paste or cream, apply it on face till it dries, hen wash with cold water.
Honey Mix:
1 spoon of honey.
1 teaspoon of rosewater.
A few drops of lemon juice.
2 teaspoons of egg whites.
1 spoon of starch.
Apply mixture to your face, leave for 30 minutes, the wash it with warm water, then with cold water.