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7 Mistakes To Avoid When Buying An Engagement Ring

7 Mistakes To Avoid When Buying An Engagement Ring

Organizing a marriage proposal is often considered one of the most exciting yet overwhelming events you’ll experience. It’s not the same as asking someone to go out on a date. Instead, you’re asking them to commit the rest of their life with you through marriage. Thus, it’s only natural to want to ensure that everything’s organized smoothly, from the location, timing to decoration and, of course, the engagement ring.   

The engagement ring is generally considered the symbol of commitment and long-lasting romance with your partner. It can also be an exceptional statement jewelry piece that signifies your devotion and how your partner means a lot to you. Choosing the wrong engagement ring could badly affect the proposal or, worse, give off a negative impression about the engagement. Moreover, buying the wrong ring could also be a waste of money.   

So, if you’re planning to propose soon and want to present the best engagement ring for your partner, here are seven mistakes you must avoid when shopping for an engagement ring. 

Shopping for an engagement ring

1. Shopping without a budget

Before you start hunting for jewelry stores, you need to set a clear budget first. You don’t need to conform to the so-called rule about spending your three months’ salary to afford a ring. Preferably, go for a budget that feels comfortable and attainable for you. Otherwise, shopping with no budget could cause you to spend more than you intended to.

Furthermore, a clear budget can also narrow down your search. So, take your time creating a budget, then you can start browsing for ring designs with prices that are reasonable for you.


2. Lack of research

You may already have the money or budget to shop for the ring. Still, before you head down to the jewelry store, do some research first, especially if you’re planning to get a 4 carat diamond ring. Ideally, educate yourself about the diamond’s 4 C’s—the collective term for color, clarity, carat weight, and cut.

These factors will help you decide and determine a diamond’s overall value and appeal. So, set aside time to read and understand the diamond certification and reports to ensure the ring’s quality. Remember, a diamond engagement ring is generally expensive, so ensure you’re investing in the best one. (1)


3. Buying hastily

Although shopping for an engagement ring is an exciting venture, you need to calm down and avoid getting carried away with the ring suggestions you hear from your friends or the first jeweler you meet. Otherwise, buying on impulse might lead to regrets later on.

So, stay calm and spend a few days checking as many jeweler stores as possible. The more stores you visit, the more exposed you’ll be to engagement rings of different sizes, styles, shapes, and designs.  


4. Not meeting a skilled jewelry craftsperson

Aside from your initial research, consulting a skilled craftsperson is also a good idea. Keep in mind that the salespersons you meet in jewelry stores are not as knowledgeable as they sound, considering that they’re only tasked to promote their jewelry pieces positively to entice buyers.

Meanwhile, a skilled craftsperson is highly educated about jewelry, especially rings or diamonds. From them, you can raise your questions or concerns, and they can also give you tips and suggestions about the best engagement rings on the market.


5. Not checking the jeweler’s reputation or product reviews

Engagement rings are manufactured and sold differently in every jewelry store. Many inexperienced ring shoppers often make the mistake of randomly going to a jewelry store only to find that they don’t have high-quality diamond rings or don’t have return or exchange policies for their customers.

If you want to buy a ring from the best and most trusted jeweler available, research different jewelry store websites, read their customer reviews, and check their reputation. Through this, you’ll have a clear idea about the quality of their engagement rings and the satisfaction rate of their previous clients.

Ring Size

6. Assuming the ring size

Getting the wrong ring size is probably the most prevalent mistake most people make when shopping for rings. You may have the most elegant and sparkly engagement ring in the bag, but it can still disappoint the wearer if it’s the wrong size. Although you can have the ring resized, remember that this option isn’t always applicable to all rings. So, to be safe, record your partner’s exact ring size before buying a ring. (2)

If you’re having trouble getting your partner’s ring size without them suspecting, you can try some of these tips:   

  • Bring one of their rings to the jewelry store or trace it on paper.   
  • Ask their family or close friends to obtain your partner’s ring size for you.   
  • Press your partner’s ring on a soap bar to form a cast and take that with you to the jeweler.   

If none of these works, or if you don’t have a sample ring from your partner, you can casually ask them for their ring size and pretend that you’re buying a ring for your sibling or mother.  


7. Not considering your loved one’s taste

Picking the best engagement ring won’t be easy, considering plenty of ring designs and styles are available in the market. But if you want to buy something that will please your partner, you’ll need to consider their taste. So, pay attention to your partner’s daily accessories or check their jewelry box to see if they love to wear something striking and glamorous or prefer something minimalist. Ultimately, if you want to give your loved one an engagement ring that they’ll likely wear forever, ensure you choose something that suits and reflects their taste and personality. 

Key takeaway

Buying an engagement ring can be daunting, especially since your partner will wear it every day for the rest of their life. But with proper planning, budgeting, and knowing the ring shopping mistakes to avoid, you can surely pick the finest engagement ring for your partner that they’ll surely cherish forever.  


  1. “4Cs Of Diamond Quality”, Source:

  2. “Wrong Size Engagement Ring: What to Do Next”, Source:

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